Posts for tag: AVNET Embedded

Windows & Real-Time Torino, 2 March 2017

Windows & Real-Time Torino

On March the 2nd 2017, inside TOOLBOX coworking space, we will present the Windows & Real-Time workshop (free of charge).

This workshop, created by BEPS Engineering and IntervalZero in collaboration with AVNET Embedded will present all the latest news from Microsoft and IntervalZero in the Real-Time, Embedded and IoT solutions.

During this workshop you will discover all the Windows 10 IoT versions, the Azure IoT Suite and how the RTX/RTX64 extension (by IntervalZero) transforms Windows IoT Enterprise into a Real-Time Operating System without using two different operating systems on the same CPU or a two different CPU one for Windows O.S. and the second for the RT-OS. All speakers will be available to answer your questions and curiosity.

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